Senin, 30 Juni 2014

Luis Suarez failed as a role model — but that's not his job

Here's what's trending on Twitter today.

This Is Anfield @thisisanfield

NEW: Luis Suarez failed as a role model — but that's not his job #LFC

29 Jun

Luis Suarez failed as a role model — but that's not his job

In a week in which the people running football, the people who watch it and the people who used to play it have tried to take the moral high-ground over Luis Suarez, Jeff Goulding slams their claims.

IndoLiverpoolFC @IndoLiverpoolfc

"Persulangan Cinta dan Benci Luis Suarez"… | Artikel dari @demas_sasongko.

29 Jun

Persulangan Cinta dan Benci: Luis Suarez

"YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE" In Football We Trust, Liverbird Upon My Chest Apa yang terjadi dengan Liverpool belakangan ini? Gagal meraih trofi menjadi kebiasaan laiknya bangun kesiangan. Sudah dua dekade The Reds…

Liverpool FC @LFC

29 Jun

Local footballer needs your support

A promising local footballer hoping to represent Great Britain at the Amputee World Cup in Mexico is looking for help with funding.

IndoLiverpoolFC @IndoLiverpoolfc

RT @LFC_Hardline An article written by @Shesar_Andri divided by 2 parts. 1st part: Delfina dan Suarez."

29 Jun

Delfina dan Suarez (bagian 1)

Usia Delfina Faza Maudya masih ranum, 16 tahun. Usia ketika banyak remaja sebayanya banyak mengidolai bahkan tergila-gila dengan boyband Boys Who Cry asal Texas. Delfina tak tercemar virus s...

BIGREDS Reg. Bandung @ManukLiverbird

Buat yang kemaren mibta jadwal imsakiyah dengan logo @BIGREDS_IOLSC Bandung, ini mimin kasih, semiga bermanfaat..

29 Jun



Redzi Arya Pratama @redzkop

Amazing Supports for @luis16suarez last night.

29 Jun



Vincent @vincentdmitri

@IndoLiverpoolfc 4 bulan dan ga ngapa ngapain itu waktu yang lama, gw ngeri tau tau perut dia kayak gundogan -_-

29 Jun



Neil Poole @PooleNeil

After a successful pilot, @WeAre_Liverpool fanzine will be available throughout next season. If you want to follow, RT that would be great

29 Jun



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